12 January (South Africa)
Meeting with Teen Pregnancy Coalition
13 January (South Africa)
High-level policy dialogue on comprehensive sexuality education
Presentation of Unesco’s International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education, followed by a press briefing, South Africa Department of Basic Education Offices
Town hall meeting with religious leaders and young people
Dinner with representatives from the youth wings of the South African political parties
14 January (Zambia)
Visit to BBC Media Action/Restless Development ’Tikambe Project’
15 January (Zambia)
Meeting with the Minister of General Education, Dr. Dennis Wanchinga
Meeting with the Minister of Higher Education Professor Nkandu Luo
Meetings with stakeholders involved in comprehensive sexuality education, curriculum specialists, teacher education and education management information systems
Visit to SAfAIDS and Centre for Reproductive Health and Education
Launch of UNESCO’s programme O3 – Our Rights, Our Lives, Our Future – followed by a press briefing
16 January (Zambia)
Meeting with teachers of comprehensive sexuality education
Meeting with traditional and religious leaders
Meeting with President Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, TBC
Visit to Diva Centre, Marie Stopes Zambia